"Archangels Of Light" Cold-Cast Bronze Sculpture Collection
'Archangels Of Light' Cold-Cast Bronze Sculpture Collection

Item no: 903412

"Archangels Of Light" Cold-Cast Bronze Sculpture Collection

Archangels Of Light Bronze Sculpture Collection

Limited-edition! FIRST-EVER handcrafted cold-cast bronze Archangel sculptures inspired by the Renaissance and with artwork by Howard David Johnson.

Measure approximately 10" H

Archangels Of Light Bronze Sculpture Collection

Limited-edition! FIRST-EVER handcrafted cold-cast bronze Archangel sculptures inspired by the Renaissance and with artwork by Howard David Johnson.

Measure approximately 10" H

Description Description

The Renaissance introduced the world to some of the greatest artists of all time. Among them was Donatello, whose breathtakingly realistic bronze sculptures are still revered today. Now, the religious sculptures of Donatello inspire the Archangels of Light Bronze Sculpture Collection. This breathtaking premiere sculpture collection is the first ever to bear the artwork of acclaimed contemporary realist artist Howard David Johnson, beginning with Issue One, Michael: Triumphant Warrior. Next to arrive is Issue Two, Gabriel: Heavenly Messenger. Your magnificent collection will continue with Issue Three, Raphael: Merciful Healer and additional Archangels of Light bronze sculptures, each a separate issue to follow.‡

A Bradford Exchange exclusive, this exquisite limited-edition sculpture collection brilliantly unites master craftsmanship with riveting imagery. Each museum-quality collectible sculpture is expertly hand-cast in cold-cast bronze and hand-painted, including metallic-toned highlights and real metal swords. Each powerful angel's outstretched wings showcases exciting Renaissance-inspired portrayals of the Archangels by Howard David Johnson, recreated in vivid color and dramatic detail. Handsome mahogany-finished bases bear golden metal title plaques, for a presentation worthy of such impressive sculptural works of art. Strong demand is expected for this premiere collection of bronze sculptures, so don't delay. Order now!

Features Features

This exclusive collectible Archangels bronze sculptures collection from The Bradford Exchange features:
  • A first-ever collection of cold-cast bronze sculptures inspired by the religious sculptures of Renaissance Master, Donatello, and featuring the riveting artwork of acclaimed realist Howard David Johnson, exclusively from The Bradford Exchange
  • In an important Bradford Exchange Artist Premiere, acclaimed contemporary realist artist Howard David Johnson's stunning Renaissance-inspired portrayals of the Archangels are faithfully recreated in vivid color and dramatic detail on each angel sculpture's wings
  • Each museum-quality collectible religious sculpture in this collection is fully dimensional, expertly hand-cast in cold-cast bronze and hand-painted by Master Artisans following the time-honored traditions of Rhodes Studios
  • Fascinating details distinguish each of the Archangels of Light sculptures, including hand-applied metallic highlights, real metal swords, and the details appear in the individual feathers of the Archangel's wings and the dragon's scales
  • Handsome mahogany-finished bases bear golden metal title plaques
  • Editions limited to 295 casting days, so order now!
  • Hand-numbered with matching Certificates of Authenticity
  • Measure approximately 10" H; 25.4 cm H

Subscription Subscription

Ordering a Collection by Subscription Plan is for Smart Collectors:
  • Reserves the entire collectible Archangels Of Light Bronze Sculpture Collection from The Bradford Exchange in your name so you never risk an increase on the price of other collectibles in this collection, or miss a single issue of this collection
  • ‡Each issue will be shipped to you for your review, about one every month or two (pending availability), at the same low issue price and charged to the credit card on which your order was placed. No need to order each one separately
  • You may cancel your collection at any time with no obligation
  • "Issue One - Michael: Triumphant Warrior," will be followed by "Issue Two - Gabriel: Heavenly Messenger," "Issue Three - Raphael: Merciful Healer," and additional Archangels of Light bronze sculptures as they become available

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"Archangels Of Light" Cold-Cast Bronze Sculpture Collection
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"Archangels Of Light" Cold-Cast Bronze Sculpture Collection

Bronze Sculptures Inspired by the Religious Sculptures of the Renaissance Also Feature Angel Artwork by Howard David Johnson

"Archangels Of Light" Cold-Cast Bronze Sculpture Collection

Archangels Of Light Bronze Sculpture Collection

Limited-edition! FIRST-EVER handcrafted cold-cast bronze Archangel sculptures inspired by the Renaissance and with artwork by Howard David Johnson.

Measure approximately 10" H

Item no: 903412